Our Services

Criminal Defense

The moments following an arrest require immediate representation from a lawyer focused on protecting your rights. You need an experienced trial attorney who does not shy away from the courtroom. Our law firm has tried cases in the state and federal courts of South Carolina and secured satisfactory results for its clients.

Dedicated Advocacy From an Experienced Florence and Greater Pee Dee area Criminal Defense Attorney

At Barth, Ballenger & Lewis, L.L.P., we pursue the best outcome for our clients charged with the following crimes:

We move our clients through the criminal process efficiently while taking a fact-based approach to building their cases. Throughout the course of the legal proceedings, they play an active role in their cases, reviewing all the information and watching the police car videos. In addition, our DUI defense attorneys try to protect their ability to drive through an administrative process.
Drug Offenses
In representing clients charged with drug possession or distribution, we look at all aspects of the case, particularly the events that led up to an arrest, including traffic stops, and search and seizure issues, to determine whether our clients’ Fourth Amendment Constitutional rights have been violated. The consequences can be severe if a verdict is guilty on a drug offense. We fight to mitigate the consequences of a possible conviction.
Traffic Tickets
A so-called "minor" crime can carry major penalties. A traffic violation often requires more effort than just showing up in court and paying the fine. Depending on how a police officer writes a traffic ticket, a driver's license could be automatically suspended over speeding or reckless driving.
State and Federal Felony Offenses
Our legal team is composed of former law clerks for a U.S. Federal District Court judge and attorneys involved in death penalty cases. Insight into the court and its processes is vital when the stakes are high.

Call us today at 843-662-6301 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced attorney. Our law firm is located across the street from the Florence County Complex and two blocks from the federal courthouse.